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Hydrogen Fuel Cell Technology Project (archive)

The City of Santa Clarita is located in a wildfire prone area and experiences strong winds. As a result, Southern California Edison over the past few years has initiated more than ten Public Safety Power Shutoffs (PSPS) affecting thousands of residents as well as critical City infrastructure such as traffic signals. While the City has equipped nearly all of its 204 traffic signals with battery backup systems, these batteries are designed to keep signals operating for short-term power interruptions lasting a few hours. PSPS events on average have lasted 24 to 48 hours, far exceeding the range of traditional battery backup systems. Due to this limitation, every PSPS event requires hundreds of hours of staff time to coordinate and install portable stop signs and generators at intersections to preserve public safety. City staff researched alternative power technologies and identified a system that utilizes hydrogen fuel cell technology to keep signals […]

Tomorrow’s Paving Today

Yuba County leveraged future SB1 dollars to perform four years of road fixes in a single summer with savings to repair 30 percent more roadways. Since 1994, Public Works has had to rely almost solely on Highway Users Tax (gas tax) revenues, a source that was inadequate even when it was established 25 years ago, and since that time it has never been adjusted for inflation. With the cost of construction climbing steadily, the purchasing power of gas tax revenues has been in a free-fall, and as a result Yuba County’s roadways continued to deteriorate. Finally, in 2017, the California Legislature passed SB1, establishing a reliable, ongoing source of gas tax revenues that adjusts for inflation. However, it would still take years to make meaningful progress in repairing our roads. Yuba County leaders decided to explore options to leverage the new gas tax dollars in ways that could make up […]

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Tomorrow’s Paving Today

Yuba County leveraged future SB1 dollars to perform four years of road fixes in a single summer with savings to repair 30 percent more roadways. Since 1994, Public Works has had to rely almost solely on Highway Users Tax (gas tax) revenues, a source that was inadequate even when it was established 25 years ago, and since that time it has never been adjusted for inflation. With the cost of construction climbing steadily, the purchasing power of gas tax revenues has been in a free-fall, and as a result Yuba County’s roadways continued to deteriorate. Finally, in 2017, the California Legislature passed SB1, establishing a reliable, ongoing source of gas tax revenues that adjusts for inflation. However, it would still take years to make meaningful progress in repairing our roads. Yuba County leaders decided to explore options to leverage the new gas tax dollars in ways that could make up […]

How to start Home renovation

Ut euismod ultricies sollicitudin. Curabitur sed dapibus nulla. Nulla eget iaculis lectus. Mauris ac maximus neque. Nam in mauris quis libero sodales eleifend. Morbi varius, nulla sit amet rutrum elementum, est elit finibus tellus, ut tristique elit risus at metus.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Maecenas in pulvinar neque. Nulla finibus lobortis pulvinar. Donec a consectetur nulla. Nulla posuere sapien vitae lectus suscipit, et pulvinar nisi tincidunt…

Stanley Boulevard Safety and Streetscape Improvements Project

The overall purposes of the Stanley Boulevard Safety and Streetscape Improvements Project were to improve traffic safety and flow for pedestrians, bicyclists and motorists traveling along this high ‐ speed arterial roadway between the Cities of Pleasanton and Livermore, improve pedestrian and bicycle access, improve visual aesthetics along this combined industrial and recreational corridor, enhance the natural environment in this area, and provide opportunities for public education and awareness preserving the environment and its natural resources.

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