Farm Bureau Road complete Streets Phase 2


Farm Bureau Road between Wren and Walnut avenues

City or County Responsible for Project

City of Concord


ZeeLaura Page


City of Concord



Project Description

City of Concord has used full depth reclamation to pave Farm Bureau Road between Wren and Walnut avenues. This Complete Streets Project managed by the City and sponsored by the Contra Costa Transit Authority used an innovative paving method that saves both time and money and is more environmentally friendly. Known as full depth reclamation, or FDR, this recycling process uses cement as a main component of the road base by combining the ground-up deteriorated asphalt pavement with base materials and pulverizes them in place. Cement and water are added to form a new and durable base material. Then a new top surface of asphalt is applied to create a smooth finish. Since crews don’t have to haul off excess soil once the old roadway is torn up, this process saves time and money. It is also more sustainable as it allows the reuse of the old materials, and the project’s carbon foot print is reduced by decreasing the amount of truck traffic coming and going from the area. Benefits of full-depth reclamation include: ■Recycled cement base material is stronger ■Cost-effective by reusing/recycling materials ■Corrects drainage problems by enabling the adjustment of the road grade that would not be possible with a regular pavement overlay ■ Meeting environmental and sustainability goals with less truck traffic transporting materials ■ Life expectancy of recycled cement base is 20+ years versus 8–10 years for a 2-inch grand and overlay method The project completed rehabilitation of over 90,000 square feet of roadway surface. Placement of approximately 4,000 tons of hot mix asphalt. Establishment of 3,300 linear feet of new sidewalk for the community. Creation of over 1,500 square feet of bioswales to treat roadway drainage. Interaction with close to 70 different residences and businesses near the site. Reconstruction of over 50 driveways fronting the project. Installation of 8 new energy efficient LED streetlights and the an upgrade of 1 major intersection at Concord Boulevard with new traffic signal new signal loops, and accessible ramp upgrades at all 4 corners. This project was Phase 2 of a three-phase project, and cost approximately $3 million. It was funded through Measure J (the County’s voter-approved ½-cent transportation sales tax), Measure Q (the City’s voter-approved ½-cent sales tax) and state gas tax funds, and it is estimated that this paving method saved $150,000 in materials alone as a result of the project’s sustainable nature. It also saved time – this FDR portion of the project took just over two weeks from start to finish. Conventional reconstruction methods would have likely taken 1-2 months to repave this same stretch of roadway. Phase 3 (from Walnut Avenue to Clayton Road) has not yet been scheduled, but it will likely be programmed in 2021-22. The City is actively working now to identify future grant funding for Phase 3.