Victor Avenue Safety Project


Victor Avenue between the Churn Creek Bridge and Enterprise Park

City or County Responsible for Project

City of Redding


Safety or Intelligent Transportation System Projects


Chuck Aukland


City of Redding


777 Cypress Avenue, Redding, CA 96001



Project Description

The City of Redding recently completed the construction of an HSIP project with the purpose of enhancing the corridor with speed reduction and traffic operation elements to improve vehicle, pedestrian and bicycle safety. The following improvements were constructed along this stretch of Victor Avenue that is just over a mile long: two round-abouts constructed; squared up intersections at Vega and Conifer to shorten the crossing distance of Victor Avenue; installed rectangular rapid flashing beacons (RRFB) at 3 locations, one of which also has a refuge island; provided high visibility crosswalks at all other crossings; constructed an 8-foot wide separated and paved multi-purpose path between Galaxy and Conifer Way; installed street lights to complete the corridor lighting; striped buffered bike lanes; and constructed a concrete barrier on the west side of the bridge to separate pedestrians and bicyclists from vehicular traffic.