Park Sorrento Traffic Calming and Landscape Improvements

The Park Sorrento Traffic Circles and Landscaping Improvements project was presented twice to the public—at the April Traffic and Transportation meeting and approved at the May 22 City Council meeting.  It was also a project recommended by the Calabasas Park Homeowners Association in a letter to the City that outlined their approved traffic mitigation and beautification projects throughout their immediate community. Park Sorrento is a residential street with a speed limit of 25 mph from Park Ora to immediately past Park Adelpha then changes to 35 mph until Park Granada. The City installed speed humps on Park Sorrento in 2003 in attempt to reduce vehicle speeds and accidents within this residential area.  Speed humps are effective as traffic calming measure for streets with similar neighborhood-like profiles; however, they are unattractive, add discomfort to drivers travelling on the roadways and hinder the operation of emergency vehicles. Complaints of speeding in this neighborhood have risen significantly in recent years. In addition, a recent study of accidents on Park Sorrento, identified that 42% of all accidents were speed-related. For these reasons, Staff investigated different traffic calming improvements to be implemented in the area.  Staff reviewed several alternatives and determined that the installation of three 12’ diameter landscaped traffic circles on Park Sorrento at the intersections of Park Adelfa, Park Jacaranda and Park Olivo would provide the most effective traffic calming influence  without causing drivers with any significant delay. The speed-reducing effects of roundabouts and landscaped medians result from the following: • Landscaped medians narrow the traffic lanes, which has the tendency to       reduce driving speed • Traffic circles force drivers to slow down at intersections so that they can successfully maneuver their vehicle around the traffic circle. The lower traffic speed will, subsequently, lessen the frequency of vehicle collisions and improve the overall safety of the neighborhood.   In addition, staff’s design also provided these additional improvements: • Enhanced landscaping to help improve the aesthetics of the previously bare corridor. • Environmentally-friendly bioswales that will decrease the amount of contamination that occurs with stormwater runoff.